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Friends of Meath Green Infant School

Registered Charity No. 1103693

The Friends of Meath Green Infant School is a network of parents, carers, school staff and others who work together to raise money to support our school. It is run by a Committee that organises and runs fun activities and events that foster closer relationships between school staff and parents, provide fun social events for the children and raise additional funds for the benefit of the children, now and in the future.
Everyone can get involved, even if you only have a small amount of time to give. It is a great way to bring greater benefits and opportunities to the school and its children and for parents/carers to be more involved in school life.
If you would like to get involved or wish to know more please contact us or speak to any of the class representatives at school. E-mail us at

What does the Friends of Meath Green Infant School do?
  • We raise funds to help the school provide "extras" for the pupils.
  • We run events for the parents and children.
  • We build networks between parents/carers and teachers to help communicate information.
  • We hold regular meetings and inform parents/carers about general PTA matters such as events, fundraising targets, projects etc.

Everyone is welcome to attend meetings and to help with any event even if they don’t want to join the committee.  We value any help and support you can give.